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작성자 사진Paul Yeon

Asian Talents to Global

최종 수정일: 2019년 11월 17일

Asia is the biggest and emerging place of global economy.

Asia is the biggest market in the global economy, not only its size but also potentials to grow. With the growth of economy, Asia needs more talent to drive business and build up organization either in country or Regional level. However, there are huge shortage of talents who come from Asian countries, who knows its culture, history and business practices. The global talents shortage in Asia mainly due to lacking of global exposure and language barriers. Therefore quite a few MNC(multi-national companies) tend to bring Expats from western countries to Asia for its senior leadership positions.

Future Leaders Asia has been helping Global Companies who operates business in Asia for their business success and sustainable growth. Below is the key areas of supporting,

# Organization Assessment and providing solutions for Teamwork and overcoming dysfunctions

# Organization Design and creating Success profiles for key positions

# Leadership development and Coaching for senior positions

# Global Leadership Competence Development

# Cross cultural orientation for newly assigned leaders in global companies

# Design Win-Win solutions for Employee Relations and Union issues

# Consulting for Startups in Organization design and selecting key positions

조회수 56회댓글 0개

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